Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s)
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Am I in an area covered by a producer-led group?
In Green County, we have three groups that cover different watersheds. They are Pec Pride, Green County Clean Waters and Farmers of the Sugar River. Pec Pride is chaired by April Prusia. Her email is Their facebook page is here:
Green County Clean Waters is lead by Scott Timm and Dillon Weckerly. It cover the Richland, Honey Creek and Skinner Creek watersheds in southern Green County. They have a facebook page: Green County Clean Waters | Facebook
Farmers of the Sugar River is chaired currently by Jake Kaderly. His email is Farmers of the Sugar River’s webpage is here:
What is the Working Lands Initiative?
In 2009, the Farmland Preservation Program was replaced with the Working Lands Initiative. The Working Lands Initiative consists of three parts: • Farmland Preservation Program (FPP) • Agricultural Enterprise Areas (AEAs). • Purchase of Agricultural Easements (PACE) Program. In Green County there isn’t any of the new pieces of the program. Only agreements with landowners that were signed before 2009 are being honored until their term is up.
What programs are available to county residents?
The Natural Resource and Conservation Service website has several financial assistance programs, easement programs, landscape initiatives and technical assistance available. The website “Landowner Resources – Wisconsin” provides links to many DNR and non-DNR cost-share conservation programs in Wisconsin, providing assistance to private landowners both financially and technically. Please call the office for more information.
I am interested in the CRP Program.
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) offers annual rental payments, incentive payments for certain activities, and cost-share assistance to establish approved ground cover on eligible cropland. Designed to reduce erosion on sensitive lands, CRP also improves soil and water, and provides significant wildlife habitat. To obtain additional information on the CRP, please call the Farm Service Agency at (608) 325-4195 Ext. 103.
Does your office have old aerial photos and what years are available?
Aerial photographs are available on the Green County’s GIS mapping website. Green County Online MapsWI Historical Aerial Imagery Finder
I would like to abandon a well and heard there is cost-sharing available.
Green County has cost sharing available for well abandonment projects. Cost-sharing is up to 70%. Application
Do you have a tree program?
Yes, we do have a tree program. The tree forms become available in the fall for the following spring planting. The variety of trees offered varies from year to year. If you would like to place an order click here.
How to find a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA)?
Please click on the following button to search for a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA): Find a CCA
How do I know what soils are on my land?
The Web Soil Survey is a great resource to find out about the properties of your soils.
Where do I find out more about our groundwater and my well?
UWEX Green County has been conducting water resources education. Green County Public Health Dept also has resources for those looking to get their well water tested. The Wisconsin Land + Water website has loads of information and links to webinars and other resources. The Wisconsin Well Water Viewer can give you an idea as to how wells have tested in your area.
Green County is in year 6 of a 7 year project to gather information on well water to better understand how groundwater quality is changing over time. You can find current reports and more information at UWEX Green County or by exploring this data viewer.
We’ve been listening to the public on their thoughts about the nitrate issue in our county and in result, a follow-up meeting was held on March 14th with resources aimed towards both agriculture producers and non-ag landowners. Please agenda and linked presentations from that day: Nitrogen Winter Workshop Agenda, Economics of Nutrient Management Planning and Innovative Nitrogen Management, Nitrogen Management and Agriculture Water Quality, Nitrates and WI Ground Water, Landscape Nitrogen Management, Testing Wells for Nitrates.