Welcome to the Land and Water Conservation Department of Green County, Wisconsin.
Coordination of natural resource management and environmental enhancement activities within county boundaries. Individual staff assistance is provided to landowners and operators in the development of conservation plans and the survey, design, layout, and construction inspection of conservation practices. Programs administered by the Land & Water Conservation Department:
- Conservation reserve enhancement
- Land and water management cost sharing
- Tree planter
- Private Wells
- Final Land and Water Resource Management Plan 2021-2031
- Soil conservation
- Water quality improvement
- Groundwater protection
- Nonpoint water pollution abatement
- Erosion control
- Wildlife habitat improvement and damage abatement
- Farmland preservation
- Streambank improvement
- Conservation reserve enhancement
- Land and water management cost sharing
- Tree planter
- Private Wells
- Final Land and Water Resource Management Plan 2021-2031
- Soil conservation
- Water quality improvement
- Groundwater protection
- Nonpoint water pollution abatement
- Erosion control
- Wildlife habitat improvement and damage abatement
- Farmland preservation
- Streambank improvement