
The Green County Land and Water Conservation Department held its annual conservation poster contest. The conservation poster contest is open to kindergarten through twelfth grade students. Students are broken into five grade categories. Posters are evaluated on the following criteria: conservation message, visual effectiveness, originality, universal appeal, and individual artwork. The theme of this year’s contest was: Healthy Forests = Healthy Communities.

The Green County place winners are as follows:

Grades 2 – 3

First place            Logan Derendinger         St. Victors

Second place      Pearl Hillary                        St. Victors

Third place          Brenna Engels                    St. Victors


Grades 4 – 6

First place            Hadara Ramirez                Juda

Second place      Telina Gratz                        Monroe Middle

Third place          Audrianna Schraufnagel Monticello


Grades 7 – 9

First place            Kalena Riemer                   Home School

Second place      Harley Schneider              Monroe Middle


Grades 10 – 12

First place            Sophia Roth                        Home School


The first-place posters moved onto competition at the Southern Area Association, an eleven-county association of Land and Water Conservation Departments in the southwest and southcentral part of Wisconsin. In this contest Logan Derendinger and Hadara Ramirez each placed second, while Kalena Riemer and Sophia Roth each placed first.

Logan’s poster        Hadara’s poster        Kalena’s poster

The top posters from the area contest moved onto the state competition, matching up the posters from each of the eight area associations in the state. In this state contest Sophia Roth’s poster received first place. Her poster will now move onto the national competition.

Sophia’s poster