1001 Amber Ave
Stevens Point, WI 54482

Farmers and agricultural professionals from around the state are coming together again to share and learn about all things cover crops. Whether you’re a seasoned cover crop expert or an absolute beginner, there will be something for everyone!
Keynote Speaker: Blake Vince
Nuffield Scholar and long-time no-till & cover crop farmer from southwestern Ontario
Join us for a pre-conference dinner and discussion:
– Bugging Out on Soil Health –
The diversity & function of soil microbes
February 19, 2019 • 5:00 PM
Taking place after the DATCP Producer-Led Workshop
Tuesday, February 19th
10:00 – 4:00 Producer-led Watershed Conference
5:00 – 8:00 Bugging Out on Soil Health with Thea Whitman
Wednesday, February 20th
8:00 – 9:00 Early Riser Farmers Figuring it Out Discussions
- Relay cropping
- Planting green
- Spring seeding
- Interseeding
9:00 – 9:30 Break and Registration for Conference attendees
9:30 – 10:30 Keynote Speaker: Blake Vince – #RootsNotIron
10:45 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions: Select a session
- Session 1: Breaking the tillage cycle
- Session 2: Managing manure with cover crops
- Session 3: Cover crop species selection & planting in WI
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and time to visit with exhibitors
1:00 – 2:15 Concurrent Sessions: Select a session
- Session 4: Pest considerations with cover crops – weeds & insects
- Session 5: Using a roller crimper with cover crops
- Session 6: Using cover crops as a forage
2:45 – 4:00 Concurrent Sessions: Select a session
- Session 7: Machinery modifications for no-till and covers
- Session 8: Nitrogen management with cover crops
Green County is organizing a carpool again to help those interested to get there. Farmers of the Sugar River (producer-led group) will cover your registration cost ($50 before Feb 6) if you’re in the watershed (and maybe if you’re not- depending on demand!) Please contact Tonya Gratz at Green County Land and Water Conservation Department if you are interested.608-325-4195 ext 121 or email: Tonya.Gratz@wi.nacdnet.net